for individuals with trauma and addiction

Meet Geral

Personalized relational approaches to healing based on years of evidence-based practice

Geral has introduced himself and patients to a variety of novel, yet legitimate and safe, plant and pharmaceutical medicines as adjuncts to psychotherapy.

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Offering Hope

If you've not been satisfied with traditional Western modalities, Geral can offer more meaningful healing alternatives.

Providing Individualized Strategies

Healing merges a careful diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan designed to address specific needs.

Extending Compassion

Geral warmly empowers suffering individuals to achieve agency in their lives in ways that enhance dignity and self-respect.

"One seldom uses the word ‘loving’ to describe a book written for professionals. Here we have an exception. Geral Blanchard is one of a kind: intelligent, adventurous, open, funny, respectful, infinitely curious, and articulate – a true child of the Universe. This book, like its author, is wise, helpful, encouraging…and deeply, deeply human.” 

Mike Lew

Author of Victims No Longer and

Leaping upon the Mountains

Francoise Bourzat

Author of Consciousness Medicine

"I love the way Geral presents indigenous people in such a straightforward way, with no idealization. As our modern world seeks better ways of healing, this insightful and lively book brings hope to the human family as it looks to Nature for balance and peace.”   


Awakening Healing Soul book cover
By Geral T. Blanchard May 14, 2023
Anthropologist and psychotherapist, Geral T. Blanchard, LPC, joins Raghu to discuss how to awaken the soul with indigenous wisdom for today’s world. Geral (Gerry) Blanchard, LPC, is university trained in psychological and anthropological approaches that can address a variety of mental health issues including trauma and addictions in a holistic fashion. He has decades of experience addressing matters of interpersonal violence, traumatization, as well as behavioral and substance addictions. Geral has served as a consultant and trainer for scores of social service agencies, prisons, and chemical dependency treatment centers. Geral has lectured widely throughout the U.S. and additionally in Sweden, Canada, Ecuador, and Nicaragua. He has authored a variety of books on the subjects of sexual abuse, post-traumatic growth (PTG), and the incorporation of indigenous healing traditions in today’s psychotherapeutic settings.
Leaf in water
By Geral T. Blanchard September 3, 2022
Geral defines the meaning of the clinical term "resistance" and defines the healthy or unhealthy nature of resistance.
man alone sitting on grassy hill
By Geral T. Blanchard December 5, 2021
The work of Dr. William J. Walsh, coming from the field of nutritional medicine, has provided us with additional and more comprehensive ways to diagnose and treat depression. He developed five primary depression biotypes, each with its own etiology and unique treatment strategy based on the patient’s biochemical individuality. His research was influenced by the nutritional theories of the Canadian orthomolecular psychiatrist, Abram Hoffer, and his American counterpart, Carl Pfeiffer. Walsh is the author of Nutrient Power. Types of depression discussed in this article include: unipolar, dysthymic, bipolar spectrum including cyclothymic, postpartum or postnatal, neurologically based, blue light technology induced, inflammation based, hypothyroidism, Facebook depression, dopamine deficiency, candida albicans yeast overgrowth, amino acid deficiency, undermethylated depression, folate deficiency depression, hypercupremic depression, pyroluric depression, toxic overload depression, and morning depression.
Machu Picchu
By Geral T. Blanchard December 4, 2021
When I write about indigenous healing – what some call shamanism – I’m making reference not to romanticized groups of traditional healers wearing dramatic attire while surrounding themselves with exotic paraphernalia, truth is most authentic shamans I have encountered wear t-shirts and jeans while sitting on the land. I am referring to quite ordinary appearing healers whose traditions go back tens of thousands of years and have stood the test of time. Modern physicians and psychologists now talk about evidence based and best practice methods of healing, which often fall out of favor as quickly as research once proved they were the “cat’s meow.” Trends can be enlightening, wisdom lasts.
Therapy Session
By Geral T. Blanchard September 26, 2021
The unjustified government hysteria of the 1970s and beyond concentrated on the inadequately understood psychedelic and entheogen medicines. Today professionals are much better informed about the safety and effectiveness of many medicines like MDMA, psilocybin, LSD, ibogaine, and ayahuasca.
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