By Geral T. Blanchard
March 5, 2022
When consideration is given to the effects of research grade MDMA the literature is replete with examples of increased empathy, a heart softness, warmth, strengthened bonds, and compassion. This article briefly touches on how MDMA, by enhancing compassion toward self and others, quiets and smooths out the vagus nerve network.
Think of the vagus nerve as functioning much like the frontal lobe of the brain, both are braking systems for impulse control, particularly aggressive urges. The more the braking system is activated in a gentle restraining way, the more relaxed you feel; it slows the heart, relaxes abdominal muscles, and loosens the larnyx. This quieting activity, which can be enhanced by MDMA, sends signals bodywide that the environment is safe, there is no emergency, which then allows you to focus on preferred thoughts and activities, and subsequently increases your creativity too. Relaxed vagal tone (anchoring activity of the ventral vagus) guards us from the harmful effects of stress constriction.