I have heard people say, “Since my first session, something has been stirring deep inside me that I can’t find words to describe."
"I feel it, I know it is important, and I think it is changing me, but for the life of me, it is unspeakable. Words don’t do it justice.”
Something sneaks up on us, perhaps a force for clarity and change. The word surreptitious comes close, meaning furtive, stealthy, sneaky, or secretive. These moments of knowing can be very private, our own concealed truth. We are the only ones who can access and intuitively comprehend this type of ineffable experience.
How can something so undefinable grab and hold our attention, even change us at a core level? Well, it’s hard to explain and philosophers, theologians, and mystics have been teasing out the concept for millennia. What we notice is that these salient moments seem to arise at pivotal and often life changing times.
Lakota shaman Black Elk tried to put it into words: “As I lay there thinking of my vision, I could see it all again and feel the meaning with a part of me, like a strange power glowing in my body; but when the part of me that talks would try to make words for the meaning, it would be life fog and get away from me.”
Simply because it so challenging to describe life shifting moments doesn’t take any of their power or meaning away. They can sneak up on us remaining under our conscious radar. Yet, they clearly are “a thing.” For some people this nebulous phenomenon becomes very special, profoundly personal and impactful. When MDMA patients embrace the sentiments, and when they unpredictably pop up again and again, they frequently refer to them as “feelbacks.” This gift embodies an internal splendor that can be reexperienced any time thereafter.
Spiritualists have long been intrigued by such moments. Usually they arrive during altered states, as was the case with Black Elk during a vision quest. Sometimes the wily mind plays tricks on us, often for our benefit.
This is because, at a conscious level, we may not always have easy access to life altering answers for our earthly conundrums. Yet millions of years of experience on earth has given humans concealed gifts of insightfulness that can show up when we most need them.
The answers arise out of an ostensibly forgotten past, vestiges from comparable dilemmas that remain embedded in our psyche – a treasure trove of collective knowledge.
It seems we need some kind of out-of-the-ordinary moment to awaken the healer within and shake insights loose. And when that occurs, the comforting intuitions that have been anchored in our ancient ancestral past – enduring, very real, and yet indescribable -- get revived. Still, we know they hold private and intimate truths for us. They are intended specifically for us and not necessarily meant to be shared, in fact, it doesn’t seem like we are even capable of doing so, spoken language can be so limiting. Being dumbfounded can be so wise.
One patient, trying to put words to her transformative moments said, “It was like receiving whispers from Spirit.” Faint but palpable messages offering enlightenment and solace. And while the event couldn’t be described accurately, one thing was clear, it was a treasure. Even though it was ineffable, there was faith distilled out of the mystery, substance derived from the ethereal. For some people it is as valuable as any religious teaching they had assimilated in times past.
Epiphanies of this kind are often validated without words. The “body electric,” as Walt Whitman called it, knows. Our mental life is embodied. Our most exalted thoughts that suddenly fill gaps in our knowledge of the world have their body correlates. And accurate intuitions can get our attention via tears, chills, goosebumps, shivers, tingles up the spine.
“Our sensory systems shape inexplicable experiences into perceptible, supernatural forms. When we are in the dark, regions of our brain may lead us to perceive faces where they are not, and these we may take as images of God. Our deep-rooted tendency to hear the human voice may lead us to hear the Divine. When in an eerie or strange place, most likely in the dark, we may feel seen, or touched, or even embraced by God – reflecting the activation of our ancient attachment-related tactile system.”
- Dacher Keltner in
Awe: The New Science of Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life
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