“Where did all the time go?” That is the ubiquitous question every patient asks after a treatment.
They ingest the medicine at 9 a.m. and, after what seems like perhaps an hour or so but was actually five or six, and once the eye mask comes off there is bewilderment as to just how much time has passed. Of course, this is all built on the bedrock notion in Western culture that time is a straight line and linear manifestation. And that there is such a thing as time! Stepping out of existing paradigms, even if for a brief “time” can be eye opening while your eyes are closed.
Traditional Native American cultures have long believed that time is a circular phenomenon. Remotely like the movie
Groundhog Day suggests, every day is very similar and reoccurring like the last. In indigenous worldviews, the sun rises and the sun sets, routinely; we always have a predictable reset of sorts, the start of what we call a “new day,” or what Arapahos called “sleeps,” both reflecting measurements of time. The “past” creates the “present” which presumably builds a “future.” Maybe all three are interlinked, all three are one. So, in a sense, the future has already happened, indeed, because the past is still happening, now.
And from this perspective the predictive visions of Crazy Horse before the Battle of Little Bighorn, at least by our standards, was an “outside the box” visionary (altered state) phenomenon. His normal quantum thinking still breaks many laws of science. Contemplating circular time from archaic ways of thinking, pondering them in the now, are very futuristic. So, help me out; why do we all want Apple watches?
When Indigenous people refer to Creator, Wakan Tanka, or the Great Mystery, this spirit-force is a flow of consciousness (thoughts) arriving from an energetic field far, far beyond this planet. Our comparatively small version of consciousness is perceived as something comprised of matter (not spirit or mind) that exists on a personal level, somehow involving our individual minds and brains. Immanuel Kant, you may recall, asserted how time is a mental construct that only comes into existence with an individuated consciousness. Yet, whether you apply indigenous thinking or quantum physics to modern thinking, much of today’s “wisdom” is poppycock.
Human minds, while engaging their brains, are merely transducers of enormously vast energy waves. Humans are receivers (like a TV) of signals emanating far beyond us -- field energies that had no known start and are thought never to stop. We are all part of an interconnected One, the Big Thinker, never separated. And with that, ponder quantum entanglement, originally a Native American concept.
It is impossible to measure spirit-force like physical forces or objects, according to quantum physics, because to observe and measure it changes it. From a one-with-all Native perspective, we are it, it is us. All forces are intertwined.
Spirit force is not outside us and, from this principle, it is impossible to get outside of ourselves to measure it/us, the All. We are always looking along with it. And when we look, it is looking though us. To separate humans from spirit is like measuring infinity…preposterous.
Meister Eckhart, the German theologian writing in the 13th century (a long time ago?), grappled with what is at our most basic energetic essence, the universal and timeless soul manifesting in one discrete skinsuit that now wears a timepiece. His thoughts: “...no yesterday or day before, no morro or day after (for in eternity there is no yesterday or morrow); there is only a present now; the happenings of a thousand years ago, a thousand years to come, are there in the present and the antipodes [opposites] the same as here.” He appears to have suggested that spirit-force has a quality of timelessness (as experienced with MDMA) and that notions of the past, present, and future are merely feeble constructs of the human mind. Us trying to make sense of enormous things with our puny brains that exist amidst vast incomprehensible galaxies that we feebly try to describe --like that’s gonna work!
This may not make sense to everyone, unless you’ve had a non-ordinary state like a “near-death experience,” or perhaps one, two, or three MDMA treatments “over time.” And when you attempt to describe your journeys with the limits of language originating from human consciousness as an “awakening,” it begs the question, “From what into what?” Little time into Big Time? From alienation to unity?
From this brief experience of timelessness engaging with your enlarged consciousness, you might conclude there is a larger consciousness out there, the likes of which you can vaguely get a grasp of. But what is noticed and felt by you may end up being described with conviction as being “realer than real.”
“You could say that everyone who has undergone this shift [in perspective] has transcended present-day human beings’ normal state of alienation form spirit-force and is now living in constant connection to – an awareness of – it.”
Steve Taylor, in
Spiritual Science
“Beam me up Scotty.”
- Attributed to William Shatner
“As soon as the objective world of reality is considered, the passage of time disappears like a ghost in the night.”
- Paul Davies, physicist, in
Space and Time in the Modern Universe
“…the distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, even if a stubborn one.”
- Albert Einstein
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