To begin to understand the Mayan cosmology, one must have a rudimentary understanding of the human brain, the Mayan concept of a Galactic Underworld, the polarities of the brain – left and right, upper and lower regions that cause dualistic thinking -- plus the Hopi One World, and the climb of the Divine Cosmic Pyramid.
I’ll begin with a reminder that the
lower brain (deep limbic system, seat of emotions) can become so activated that it protectively acts like a circuit breaker at times, shutting down the
upper brain, namely the prefrontal cortex (the discerning, clear thinking part of the brain). And a second reminder, the left brain is our dualistic thinker, the part of us which, in kneejerk fashion, places things in “factual” categories and judgments that are black and white, right and wrong. The left-brain is like the guard at the fortress wall keeping dangerous enemies outside. The right brain, however, is more intuitive, global, and welcoming. It helps us to see beyond the ever-threatened ego, creating a cosmological picture that is more trusting, less defensive, and less walled off.
Now I’d like to build on the previous theories with the help of Swedish biologist, Carl Johann Calleman, who has written
The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. I have selected a number of quotes from that book which pull all of the above concepts together, including the way trauma can influence our lives:
“The Galactic Underworld that we are now entering is fundamentally about healing, about creating balance both on a global and an individual scale. It is about unifying the East and West, intuition and logic, spirit and matter. It is also about unifying body and soul and healing the traumas that prevent us from being fully in the present. To allow this to happen, we must choose paths consistent with the wavelike evolution of this Underworld. We are presented with a choice as to whether we want to integrate or oppose new and unfamiliar energies.”
“The main path provided by the Galactic Underworld is thus toward wholeness and love, and this is charted at the level of consciousness. With the onset of the Fourth World, the beginning of a balance between the left- and right-brain hemispheres gave rise to the beginning of balance between men and women, and between adults and children.”
“The mind can’t rest in the present; instead it oscillates between the past [traumas] and the future [threats], always looking for ways to change things. It is not intent on being but on becoming and so leaves no room for peace or satisfaction.”
“The traumatic events in our early childhood really did cause pain at the time, but the only reason that a trauma of early childhood still influences us is that is being used by the left-brain dominated mind. The modern mind, we may recall, lets our past dominate [and ruin] our present.”
“Healing is essentially about going back to a point in our lives prior to the time that the dualistic mind came to dominate. As this mind is preoccupied with making judgments and evaluations, it creates a universe of ‘right’ and ‘wrong;’ it must be ‘right’ about the past and its traumatic events, and so one is unable to forgive either others or oneself.”
“In two significant ways, the qualities of the right-brain hemisphere support forgiveness. First, they allow you to trust your own intuition, which is of the rightbrain hemisphere. Trusting your intuition is really about trusting yourself, your whole being, sometimes in the face of almost constant, distorted, left-brain chattering. Hence healing is possible if we can transcend the linear time of the left brain [one role of MDMA or psilocybin].”
“There is also a judgmental side to this dualistic mind that inhibits the flow of love. If you and everyone else are constantly judged by this mind, how can you allow yourself and others to be fully who you and they are? How can you fully accept and love someone else, let alone yourself, with a dichotomous mind that was designed to be separate and causes further separations? Can a person who is only half love, love herself fully?”
“Only the person who has freed himself of the dominance of the left-brain hemisphere can allow the whole person, and the whole world, to be. If the dualistic mind is ruling at the present time it will not bring love into your life.”
“The truth emerging is that the energies described by the Mayan calendars define the limits of human creativity at any given time. Regardless of the energies that temporarily rule the cosmic time plan, they are first and foremost subordinated to its end result of enlightenment, and no matter what we think or visualize we cannot do anything to change this fact. The cosmic plan is beyond the range of human manipulation. The answer is that understanding the over-arching cosmic plan is part of our own evolution into cocreators
with the Divine. To be cocreators, we need to know what the canvas [individual prophecy] we are to work on looks like and what its format is. If we choose to surf on the cosmic plan, we had better know what it is. At the present time the traditional Mayan calendars play a key role in providing knowledge about the plan, and its dissemination is crucial for how things end up for humanity.”
“The good thing about the present situation is that we are living in an Underworld (since the beginning of the Fourth World, calculated to be 1947) that is designed step by step to generate a more unitary outlook on life, and so we need to let the two opposing dualities merge rather than engage in their respective dominance games.”
“From the description of the cosmic plan by the Mayan calendars, we also have an answer to why the emergence of the hippie movement was one of the later signs predicted in the Hopi Prophecy. The shamans or prophets of this people were able to be in resonance with the energies of the cosmic time plan and to ‘see’ the directions in which it would lead. It led them to see a shift towards aspects of the cosmos mediated through the right-brain hemisphere. They were able to see the coming of ‘flower children.’ The only reason that such prophecies, precognitions, premonitions, and miraculously filled ideas exist is because there is a cosmic plan.”
“The road to peace involves creating peace within ourselves, between our brain hemispheres, and then projecting peace externally so that we may all evolve.”