How healers engage with actively involved patients (healing partners) during an MDMA treatment
The starting point is to understand the difference between curing and healing. From the Latin, curing means to remedy, or get rid of an ailment. Healing, coming from the Anglo-Saxon word haelen – to make whole – and can be defined as restoring health or returning a person to harmony, much like Navajo shamans do in sacred ceremony. Healing is remembered wellness. Curing can be heavily laden with impersonal techniques whereas healing implies caring about someone, suggesting a level of compassionate concern or loving presence that is held within ethical parameters. Healers surround the healing partner with intentions oriented to the needs of their greatest good.
One of my earliest mentors, psychiatrist Jonas Robitscher, wrote: “Good therapy is an engagement of two people that leaves both changed; if only one changes therapy has been a failure.” That too is one of the core principles guiding MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, particularly when embedded in an indigenous inspired ceremony. What happens between the healers and the healing partner constitutes an ecosystem of sorts with energy transfer that heals all involved.
This approach implies healers must be in touch with their inner spirit, the soul. Being calm, centered, and remaining humble in the knowledge that while this subtle-energy field plays a vital role in the change process, it is the universal healing field, potentiated by three people working together that amplifies the vibratory, and therefore, the healing intensity. The healers create scaffolding, an exoskeleton of borrowed strength that the patient absorbs, finding it supportive and uplifting.
Centering begins with a focus on the heart, the intuitive middle brain. When the patient, therapist, and attendant are all in synchrony with heartfelt loving intentions a resonance, cross-connection, or communion is established. Three people in sync are the equivalent of at least six people in the room elevating each other to a new level of consciousness and health. Resonance is built into our DNA and the easiest way to access it is through the heart chakra. This energy vortex is thought to be connected to Mother Earth’s pulse. And this bodily region seems to translate feelings, attitudes, and beliefs into electrical waves (vibrations). natural reaction to this entrainment process results in the patient (and the healers) bouncing back to a more still place of harmony, balance, and integration.
In this regard, mathematician Arthur Eddington challenged our thinking by positing: “We used to think that if we knew one, we knew two, because one and one are two. We are finding that we must learn a great deal more about and.”
Healers seek sentience, that is, we feel our way into the patient’s condition using intuition and knowings -- not perceiving solely with the mind but from a multisensory state. This involves detecting, like radar, subtle non-languaged cues and knowledge from the healing partner’s vital-energy field. This inherited native language allows for a profound understanding, melding together shared insights deep within all of us. When the psychotherapist and attendant are very serene and unruffled, like in a mild but alert trance, no matter what comes up there is an “effortless effort” that allows them to acquire a transpersonal connection. In other words, they go beyond the limits of just one person’s identity. This profound deep process requires the patient’s trust and have the willingness to engage themselves in their own healing process – awakening their inner healer while in intimate tandem with compassionate caregivers.
"The research community and indigenous communities agree that a guide who has never experienced a psychedelic will lack the ability to understand, empathize, or have rapport with participants.”
~ Mark Haden in Manual for Psychedelic Guides
Using quantum physics terminology, one might see this as entanglement, and not just between three people during an MDMA treatment, but as part of an information field so vast and interconnected it is difficult to conceptualize. During a 2015 NPR interview, a physicist by the name of Adam Frank, clarified: “Right now, at this very moment, you are submerged in an invisible sea of information. Thoughts, ideas, ambitions, and instructions—they are whispering past and through you on waves of modulated electromagnetic energy. From wireless internet to satellite TV you are bathed in an endless stream of purposeful intentional signals. And it’s not just you. From Earth’s surface out to geosynchronous orbit, 22,000 miles overhead, the whole planet glows with information made manifest in light – actual light, as in radio waves, microwaves, and so on. But does all that mean Earth is thinking? Does that mean it’s awake? Maybe it’s time to consider the noosphere*.”
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Manual for Psychedelic Guides by Mark Hayden
A Healer’s Journey to Intuitive Knowing by Dolores Krieger